Sunday, May 16, 2010

Latest News

Well things have been pretty crazy around here. What have we been doing? Well, what haven't we been doing? Well we haven't been sleeping, eating properly, showering, brushing our teeth, doing our homework, traveling, playing frisbee at the park, going on walks, and most tragically, riding our bikes. Pretty much all we have been doing is working on the house.

Thankfully, it's almost over. This week we have some new cabinets coming Tuesday, then we have new carpet coming on Weds. Then we have a few more finishing touches to put on before moving on Fri. It's none too soon either. Besides the fact that we would go crazy and probably light the place on fire if it dragged on much longer, we have good friends from Virginia that are coming into town on Sat and are staying with us. (Bryant and Kristy, if you're reading this, we'll at least have a door on the bathroom by the time you get here.)

Anyway, the last two days have been much better because we've started finishing things. Yesterday we finished the half bath downstairs...with the exception of the toilet and the sink. We also have all of the trim painted and back up except for in the kitchen. We still have a nice long list of things to get done, but it's nice to finally start finishing things.

The trim is now all up except in the kitchen. That was a big task and required a lot of leg work; it would go something like this. 1. Go upstairs. 2. Measure new trim piece. 3. Go downstairs to garage and cut trim piece on saw. 3. Go back upstairs and fit trim piece and realize it it still too long. 4. Go back downstairs to garage and cut piece again on miter saw. 5. Go back upstairs to re-fit trim piece. 6. Realize you cut too much off trim piece and it is now too short. 7. Try not to curse. 8. Start over.

We also have all of the walls painted except for the bathroom upstairs and the touch-up work that needs to be done. Note: the walls are not as green as they look. In fact oddly enough, even though both rooms were painted from the same can, they constantly look different shades from one another.
Anyway, Friday's the big move and we're exited. I can't wait to unload the truck, lay down on our new soft carpet and take a nap.


Mari said...

Hip hip to you two!

Unknown said...

Wooohooo! You're almost done! It looks so good! My room looks wonderful! :)

~j. said...

I love those colors, especially the bedrooms.

Grampy and Grandma Dot said...

Yay! It's looking great -- but now we want to come out and see the finished project and lay on the new carpet! You've done a lot of work, but it will be so worth it in the end. Don't forget to take some pictures when the cabinets and carpet are in (before you move in), so we get the whole effect. Love ya!

Taryn said...

Almost done!! Let us know if you need help on Friday :)

Bradwich said...

It's looking great, you guys! But you should probably allow brushing of teeth to move up as a priority.

Kristie said...

Can't wait to see you guys on Sat. Bryant wants to stay longer sunday morning. He says were not in a big hurry...We'll see what his parents say. Thanks good luck with your move and see you soon!

Carolyn said...

Showering is overrated anyway. The house looks awesome!

Jared said...
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Net said...

Hi Nicole! I hope you don't mind me reading your blog. I found it on Lacey's. How exciting that you bought a house! Where are you guys living?