Monday, May 25, 2009

Sorry, it's the best we could do

So for Memorial Day, because we lack creativity, we drove to the beach with and Eric and some other friends and just hung out all day again. I know most reading this are saying, "once you've seen one beach, you've seen them all. And all that sand makes me itch." Our time was comprised of just swimming, sleeping, and sand-castle building. Lame huh?

Next year we'll plan something crazy awesome and personally enriching like protesting animal research until we are arrested or sewing our own underpants and shorts out of old flannel shirts and hiking the Appalachian trail barefoot.

Until then, it's just some more lame beach pictures.

Us playing bocce ball; that's Eric's back on the left

The ocean was pretty cold


Analeis Paul said...

Nicole, you look beautiful in that first picture. I'd whistle at you if I could write it!
Glad you guys are still having fun:)

Tara said...

Looks like more fun than the rain we had here in Colorado!

I love checking out your blog! You guys look like you're having so much fun! Take advantage of this time ALONE together!!!

Carolyn said...

Only people who live near a beach think it is lame to visit it more than once. People who were raised in a desert think that sounds awesome!