Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sometimes the Drill isn't the Worst Part

So last week I went into the Dentist to have a temporary crown put on until my diamond studded one comes back from the lab. (It'll give me more street cred.--see Lil' Wayne below)

Anyway, that day it was a very snowy and it was quite nasty on the way to the dentist. After I got there I spent a decent amount of time with the assistant while we waited for the dentist. Here is the first of our confidence-inspiring conversations.

Assistant: I'm glad you made it in today, most of our appointments are cancelling (because of the weather).
Me: No problem.
Assistant: Maybe if I'm lucky the last one will cancel and we can go home early.
Me: That's always nice
Assistant: Maybe if you're lucky, you'll be in so much pain when we get done you won't have to go back to work today.
Me: . . .

Then not to outdo herself, as we were still waiting, she said this:

Assistant: So did you go anywhere for Christmas?
Me: Ya, I'm from Minnesota, so my wife and I went there to see my family.
Assistant: Oh you're from Minnesota?
Me: Ya, that's where I was born.
Assistant: I have a brother that lives in Rhode Island--is that close?
Me: It's actually completely the opposite direction.
Assistant: Oh, I guess I'm not very familiar with the west coast.
Me: . . .

I had no idea how to respond without sarcasm, so I decided to say nothing (thanks Mom). After a few more awkward minutes, the dentist finally arrived and our conversation ended.


Hugh said...

And yet, out at BYU, there were so many who thought MN was East Coast...

Carolyn said...

Don't you have to go to school to be a dental assistant? Even grade school?

mommacragun said...

Just remember your Dad wasn't sure where Minnesota was either until we moved here. So how was the pain?

Bradwich said...

I think I'll use that first comment she made when I'm a doctor. "Hopefully this will hurt you so bad that you'll be incapacitated! Hooray!"